A 3 month 1:1 + self paced course designed for you to collaborate and connect with ME learning, doing, creating and implementing in a REAL TIME pre-launch / launch, all the strategies required to build wild amounts of impact & income in your business walking you through a rinse and repeat launch process.

Let's go!!


This is a space where you get high levels of proximity to me with 1:1 access and business tools, templates & resources WHILE we create or upgrade your offer & launch it in real time.

You're a coach, Pt or in the health & coaching industry who wants the skillsets/knowledge/tools to build and scale a business using the online space to 5k - 10k months.

You thrive with hands-on guidance, actions and eyes on your world, with simple business strategies, and personalized support to help you build a new level of impact & income in your business.

Focusing on growing your skill with standout & sell out launches.

You want to:

πŸš€ Learn what it takes to & create a perfect client, offer / membership / program that will take you to 5k-10k Months

πŸš€ Go from ideation, then to a unique program design method that attracts your perfect kinda clients that brings consistent cash flow.

πŸš€ Learn the art of launching & implement my unique growth & launch framework that makes selling out your offer feel light & effortless.

πŸš€ Create systems to enhance the client experience & client journey which will have your retention rate high & skills even higher.

πŸš€ Learn how to create highly valuable content that converts your dream clients, what and when to post with each stage of the β€œfunnel”

πŸš€ Learn how to go from crickets to sell out launches that feel fun for YOU

We are here to make sure your launch goes BOOM, that you have real time coaching & feedback you can implement immediately!

What is involved in ο»ΏLIT?

πŸš€ Coaching & CO WORKING Calls

There are 2x coaching calls with The trailblazer membership super stars scheduled per month; business strategy & mindset/clients & taking ACTION on the call together, you have the ability to have your questions answered and be 1:1 coached in this time together.

πŸš€1:1 with me

Across the 3 months, you will have 3x 1:1 Calls with Aimee. This is to create your 1:1 strategy or actions steps, dive into work on something together in real time and also to keep you moving forward during our time together, You have full 1:1 message support throughout the entire program.


Resource Hub & course

There will be specific training, templates & resources available to make your journey as streamline and simple as possible with lifetime access for future launches. These are resources and videos and voice recordings that can help you to move the needle forward in your business NOW. There are copy and paste templates to implement into your business ASAP.

Your investment options